Riikka Wallin


© Kavilo Photography

Certified Nia Blue Belt

My Nia story – Nia-tarinani – Min Nia-historia

In 2006 a lot changed in my life – I had spent several years studying architecture because it was practical. I was good at math and loved drawing and painting. I slowly woke up to the reality that the actual work didn’t really inspire me. I wasn’t particularly good at it and it didn’t bring me joy. I felt lost. So I started my search for something new, something more fulfilling.

That autumn I found Nia and I loved it instantly. It was fun, I could be myself and I was allowed to dance like crazy, something I have always done at home, at the bus stop or anywhere really. And I found people who felt the same. It helped me through the process of saying good-bye to architecture and the quest for something new.

Through the years Nia has grown to be my life companion. It’s where I feel safe and free. It’s where I can dance through emotions that have built up inside me. It’s where I work through stress. It’s where I play. It’s where I learn about my body and challenge my perceptions of what my body likes and is capable of. I’m absolutely sure that Nia has been a big part of leading me to become a cultural manager working with the arts and focusing on the well-being they give to people.

In February 2013 I finally participated in the White Belt Intensive. It’s the best thing I’ve done for myself in years. After the week with Ann Christiansen and all my fellow dancers I felt like I had been on vacation for six months. My body felt different, I was more aware. I hear and listen to music differently now. I have new ‘bosom friends’ as Anne Shirley of Green Gables would say. I have new big sisters.

I’ve always shared what Nia has given me with people around me, and invited people to come dance with me in classes I go to. During the White Belt Intensive I felt a very strong physical desire to start sharing Nia as a teacher. The feeling was almost overwhelming. The feeling is still there, but it’s more grounded.

Since 2014 I have taught Nia and I’ve taken the Nia Blue and Brown Belt trainings as well we the Nia 52 moves training and the Nia Moving to Heal training to dive deeper into the MAGIC of Nia. My aim is to deliver well-rounded somatic class experiences that are filled with joy!

Find info about my classes in Helsinki and my other events!

Welcome to dance with me!